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Welcome to Month Two of the Kickstart Change Membership Page.    This month's featured topic is coaching with the arts.  You'll learn about my Recreate Your Life program, how the arts helped me cope with challenges throughout my life, the advantages of using arts as tools for change, and more.  If you have any questions or would like to schedule your complimentary 60-minute coaching session with me if you haven't already (remember, one free coaching session per membership not per month), email me at  I usually respond the same day or the folllowing day. Explore.  Learn.  Enjoy.  


Recreate Your Life Coaching Program:  An Introduction

(worksheet, answer key, and notes)

The Complimentary Coaching Session

  • As with all my coaching programs, you have the option of a complimentary Zoom video conferencing session to see if we are a good coach-client match.

    • Note:  All coaching sessions take place every two weeks via Zoom video conferencing to allow for sharing of artwork.  Visit for more information on this video conferencing tool, which has a free version.  

  • During this session, I'll invite you to share a bit about what led you to seek out coaching via the arts--what you would like to be coached on--and the medium/media you prefer to work with.  I'll share information about the program and how it is set up, pricing, payment method, and so on, and about myself and my coaching style.  

  • Of course, I will answer any questions you have related to coaching.

  • For more information about the complimentary session, click here.

Working With Me



If you decide to work with me, we'll discuss:

  • your creative space

  • time management

  • the elements of the coaching session: brief introduction/review what has happened since we last worked together, create your art without feeling rushed, explore and connect with your art and find meaning in it, and be coached by me on what thoughts and feelings emerge from your artistic expression.

  • what happens between coaching sessions:  Facebook Live event, exercises for you to complete to provide further exploration, insight and clarity regarding issues and challenges discussed during our sessions, Live Q&A via Zoom

  • my role as your coach

  • any questions you may have

  • For more information on the Recreate Your Life Program, here are some links to check out:  Complimentary Session and Working With Me.


The "Chill With the Arts" Challenge


This is a month-long challenge to use the arts to relax and de-stress.  You may find that this becomes a habit, a joy, a valued activity that you continue practicing past the end of the month.  No problem!  That's the point, actually--to show how the arts can help you relax and help you to make a daily practice to reduce stress and, yep, chill!

Are you ready?  I know you are.  Best of luck!  And, if you have any questions or feel as if you need to check in with me, email me at  I check my messages often and will get back to you as soon as I can--usually the same day, certainly witin 24 hours.

Okay, get set.  Annnd, Go!

  • First, make a list of the type(s) of arts you enjoy.  Music?  Drawing?  Woodworking?  Macrame?  Playing an instrument?  Scrapbooking?  Dance?  Acting?  Something else?

  • Each day, schedule time for your art making.  You can even start with 5 minutes, then increase it to 10 minutes and beyond over time.

  • Take a few deep breaths before you begin art making, then let yourself free to dive into the activity, experience the Zone--the point where you are totally in the present, concentrating on what you are doing and totally involved in it.  You're shutting out the world around you, de-stressing, relaxing, creating, living in the moment.

  • When you end your art making session, take another couple deep breaths, shake out your arms and legs to re-orient yourself to life outside the Zone.

  • Then, journal about the experience.  How you feel, the emotions that surfaced, the thoughts, the ideas, the a-ha moments that came from the activity.

  • Then make a point to take action on any of those a-ha moments, those ideas--to help you resolve challenges, and live a more authentic, meaningful life.

  • Feel free to keep your journal entries to yourself or share them and your insights with me via email.  

  • You may even decide to try a different art form that you have never done before.  Maybe a different type of music than you are used to.  Feel free to experiment.  The point is to relax with the help of the arts.  And, with that, find insight, resolve challenges and live a more authentic, inspired, joyful, and meaningful life.

Benefits of the Arts in Coaching

  • Check out the many benefits of utilizing the arts as tools for change in coaching.  Start experimenting with the arts as helping tools and notice the positive difference it makes in your life.  Which of the benefits mentioned have you experienced?


Whupsee Doozy

Oh, It's On

It's About The Program, Amy


(Replace the video bloopers with new ones for the month)

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